Ocean Protocol Data farming

Last updated: 03.11.23

  • Ocean Protocol data farming analytics. The first Dapp to be token gated using Ocean Protocol datatokens. Demonstrating the use of Ocean Market to token gate premium data analytics. AutoBotOcean.com can help farmers understand data farming and can be used to help maximise active farming rewards. To view the premium pages you are required to purchase the dataset from the Ocean Market. After purchase "My Farm" and "Leaderboard" will be unlocked. My Farm - Shows your farming reward history, allocations and predictions. Leaderboard - Shows order of best performing addresses with details of their rewards and VeOcean, these addresses can be viewed in more detail with the feature called "Their Farm" accessed from the leaderboard page.

  • Ocean Data Farming (DF), DF incentivizes for growth of data consume volume in the Ocean ecosystem. It rewards OCEAN to pool liquidity providers (stakers) as a function of consume volume and liquidity. It’s like DeFi liquidity mining, but tuned for data consumption. DF’s aim is to achieve a minimum supply of data for network effects to kick in, and once the network flywheel is spinning, to increase growth rate.

  • Head over to df.oceandao this is the offical farming dapp. Follow this Tutorial created by OP

  • ve tokens have been introduced by several projects such as Curve and Balancer. These tokens require users to lock project tokens in return for ve"project tokens". In exchange for locking tokens, users can earn rewards. The amount of reward depends on how long the tokens are locked for. Furthermore, veTokens can be used for voting in grants, DAOs or for asset curation.

  • The best place to ask data farming questions is Discord or Telegram

  • Active rewards are earned from allocating to datasets with your veOcean that has sales (consume volume)

  • Passive rewards are generated without human intervention, these are called "passive" OCEAN rewards. OCEAN rewards are claimable every Thursday from the farming dapp

  • No you can farm.

  • Yes, but the passive rewards are distributed for last round holding. For example if now it's the end of Round 26, passive rewards are distributed for holding through round 25. So if you lock in round 26 you won't get the rewards at the end of the round but at the end of round 27.

  • Now the easiest way to see If a dataset is a good quality one is to check the last rounds APY, volumes and predict that it could work well on the current round as well. Beside that there could be other ways to understand the quality of the dataset: - Look at the content of the dataset, is it a good one, does it have good demand in the future? - Look at the publisher. If the dataset has been published by a trusted publisher and the publisher has other good datasets you can presume that the dataset is a good quality one and has more chances to be consumed. - Be aware of wash consumption. Right now there is a wash consume game going on. If you try to understand or play that game, it will give you a better overview of where the rewards are going.